Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So, I have been allowed to borrow a spinning wheel until June, my dream come true, by this wonderful woman that I met at the Mountain Made Studios. I have been spinning like mad for the past month that I've had it too. Here's what I've been up to.

The top one is 100% silk and the third skein that I had ever spun on a wheel. The bottom is some lovely merino/mohair blend, double plied, in soft fall colours. I think I'm in love.

The top one here is 100% merino 2-ply all done on my drop spindle and before I had any idea of the "real" way to do any of this. I adore it.

The aqua is my first wheel attempt ay plying and the bottom is my merino, single ply on the drop spindle. (Did i mention that i stepped on my spindle and broke it by accident? I did manage to fix it with some super glue and a bandaid though!)

Here are three very chunkily spun skeins that I will be using in an ocean reefscape that I am doing for class. I was just learning how to use my wheel for these so they are a bit raw, but I'm still rather fond of them.

And here are my first EVER attempts at plying on my drop spindle with some not very nice wool and hand dyed from my time at the CiA (Cleveland Institute of Art, how I miss thee).
So, tommorow I will have photos of the Aran sweater that I am working on, some monsters I've made, some sock yarn, and the reefscape that I'm doing for class. That babay's going to be freaking huge . . .