Friday, March 9, 2007

So I'm totally no good at updating anything on any sort of a regular basis I discovered. (The reality of having no internet connection at home.) We also had a huge snowstorm here on Wednesday that gave me my first real snowday since highschool. This fortunate occurance allowed me time to clean my house, bake bready, cook up some chicken chili and potato pancakes, and, of course, knit.

Here is the sweater before the storm:

And my awesomely designed cable charts:

The storm: (We got at least half-a-foot overnight)

I knit. The men went urban skiing.

And the sweater. How I love thee . . .

There are so many things to love about knitting. But i think that cables are by far the best. Cables use more yarn, making a sweater thicker and warmer then any other. And their strong linework make each stitch a statement. This sweater is for the man. Hope he likes it.

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